Friday, May 30, 2014

Food For Thought / Foodie Friday

Good Friday Evening to all (even if it is almost 11pm)!

As I write this, I am listening to NeedtoBreathe talk on the radio about how they had really started allowing success to cloud their purpose and walk.  I am loving their humility and honesty.  They are one of my favorite Christian groups.  I tend toward folk styles and borderline country sounds.  I really love the Civil Wars' "From This Valley."
But I digress.
Two interesting food notes. I was experiencing exhaustion and just low general energy plus female issues so I bought Maca Powder. It smells like protein powder and, to me, it tastes as bad. I put it in a smoothie that has overwhelming flavors so I couldn't taste it. The other thing is that my issue was simply not enough meaningful calories. I eat but I don't always consider the complexity of my meals. It's almost better for me to barely eat than to eat like I was. Also the caffeine withdrawal. Maca wasn't solving that. But it did give me a caffeine like boost. 

The food you have to try is sweet potato slices topped with guacamole. I sliced the sweet potato and cooked it with a small amount of oil on the griddle. Then I topped it with homemade guacamole. Amazing. Until next time, think about what you're eating. Is it enhancing your body or tearing it down? Also spend some time meditating on His Word because "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God," Matthew 4:4 (KJV)

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