Monday, June 2, 2014

Minimalist Mindful Monday

Good evening to any who actually have been reading this! I'm thrilled to have you...

So, I am not inherently a minimalist, let alone neat and tidy.  I am in awe of those who are.  But I am diligently seeking this for my life and I can't think of one thing that I purchased for myself in the month of May that was not edible.  My goal was to not bring anything new into the house.  I think I met that goal.   My other goal was to not stand on the scale for the full month and to my June 1st delight, I had lost 2 lbs.  That's just icing on the cake.

One tip that comes to mind when trying to overcome clutter and mess is to put things away promptly.  About two weeks ago, we went strawberry picking.  It is a tradition for us.  This year we went organic!  But, strawberries in bulk are tasty and they go bad quick.  So, I already know that I need gallon sized freezer bags before we even set out to pick.  We need some to eat right away, but most will just be frozen for smoothies and pancake topping.

There were six baskets of strawberries.  It didn't take very long to snip the tops and bag them up.  This is a basic principal that could be applied to every aspect of life.  A place for everything and everything in its place is wisdom and "If any of you lack wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you." James 1:5 (NIV) The fact is, we all need wisdom.  I need it to get to a place of order.  I am convinced that is why I as a mother of five am obsessed with tiny houses.  I need order and less stuff.  My earnest prayer is, "Let me get to a place where there is less stuff standing between me and God."  That is where we should all long to be.

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