Thursday, May 8, 2014

3 Important Areas to Cover

My walk with God has consisted of a great deal of prayer, an effort to share my faith and trying to apply Biblical principles more and more.  Christian faith is a "race" as the Bible says, but it consists of many instances of running, walking and standing still.  It has been the issues of body, mind and spirit that are in constant change for me.  It is so important, though, that these areas stay under constant scrutiny, because they are our testimony. Before I came to know Christ, I was searching for anything that would take away the chaos.  My life was chaotic.  So, I had considered several other religions that appear to be very well structured and their members seem chaos-free, or at least have it at a minimal level.  However, the problem was with people who called themselves Christians but did not know what it meant to be a "follower of Christ."  They had never read the words, "If you love me, keep my commandments," (John 14:15).  They lived in chaos, continued to break commandments and made many excuses for sin. The belief that God accepts us as we are is fairly false.  He says to come as we are so that we may be changed.  As we are, we are sin-filled, whether we actively engage in what appears sinful or not.  We live our lives measuring our goodness against a human norm that is simply not good enough for God.  To know Him now, I know that I am washed by the blood so that God may look upon me and deal with me and we may have relationship.  Before that, He would not have entered into relationship with me because I was too dirty to look at.  He cannot have sin in His presence.  It is the stuff that He is working out of me now that I want to share for anyone else who is going through similar changes.  The issues of the body, mind and spirit.  This will help focus what I write about and encourage because change is hard, but being more like the Lord and more pleasing to God is worth it.  It really is.

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