Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

I know, I'm a day late.  But, yesterday was hectic.  But I still want to let moms know that they are blessed to be raising children.  Those acting as moms are blessed.  Whether you birthed them, adopted them, or watch them so much they might as well be your, you are blessed.  Children are a heritage from the Lord.  A blessing.  I am blessed.

Mondays are special days for me.  They are the days when I get to refocus my week.  My weekends are spent mostly with my church family.  But the week is time spent focusing on my children and my home.  Heavy emphasis on home right now.  That is because I have come to the realization that I have too much stuff.  I have also come to realize that I simply don't need that stuff. 

 21" For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then he must leave all he owns to someone who has not worked for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune." Ecclesiastes 2:21 (NIV)

So why amass so much stuff if it will all end up with someone who didn't work for it and thus, will not care for it?  Is it adding positively or negatively to my life?  So I am spending my time decluttering and minimizing.  I am cutting several outfits from everyone's wardrobe, I am taking a long, hard look at my shoes and reducing down to what I need.  The same applies to everything else.  Whatever may have value is getting sold on Craigslist.  I am also redesigning my spaces so that I am left with something enhanced and pleasing to eye without spending a fortune.  I will be working on redecorating and reordering my kitchen and my bathroom.  I will snap a photo of my two spaces soon, so you can see what the before looks like and watch my progress.  I am determined to spend no more than a few hundred on each room.  So far, i have spent $5 on my bathroom to purchase pictures to decorate and I have spent $10 on my kitchen for S hooks for hanging my pots and pans and cooking utensils and a towel bar to hang those utensils from.  I am excited to the changes, those dollars were rebate dollars from Savingstar and Ibotta. That means I'm off to a good start.  Some big ticket items will be the over the toilet set up and replacing my plates and bowls.  Also the cabinet organization.  Plus, I am prayerfully determined to find a wooden table with storage underneath or one I can add storage to.  I'll be busy this summer, which will be so nice.  Hope you get inspired too.

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