Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Word About Jealousy

"Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" Proverbs 27:4 (NIV)

So, here I am cleaning house and taking out trash and slowly knocking out my stash of yarn.  But yarn is tricky and when you see a new pattern, you want to make it, even if it requires more yarn.  At another blog I follow called Daydream Knits, I saw a photo of the stack of items she had knitted.  I was instantly jealous.  I wished I could knit that much in that little bit of time.  I wished I could make a more complicated pattern.  I had just seen one in a post from Brooklyn Tweed that made me want to find money I didn't have to start a project I wouldn't complete.  I felt that familiar stir to jump into action and start a new project of some luxurious shawl or sweater.

Then the spirit of truth washed over me.  

"But Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

Wanting to be like this lovely young lady is not feasible, nor is it wise.  I would have to take time from other things to make that happen.  I would end up with more yarn that would overwhelm me and everyone around me.  I would also be giving into jealousy.  By being jealous of her pile of lovely, completed crafts, I would be telling God that I am not content with what I have right now, in this season of my life.  I have the gift of knitting as well and I have plenty to knit with.  I also have children that I home school and they require a good chunk of my attention and time.  So, today I am content with completing whatever I make, out of whatever I have, whenever I have time.  And tomorrow I pray for that peace again.

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