Monday, May 19, 2014

Another Mindful, Not So Minimalist Monday

Good evening,
How was your day today.  Mine was lovely.  I did not get a chance to focus on what I could get rid of, but I did toss four pairs of my husband's shoes in the thrift store bag (with his consent, of course).  My day was actually spent with friends, enjoying good food and good company.  Friends are such a treasure.  I thank God for them everyday because they are so important to our growth in Christ.  They encourage, admonish, comfort and so much more.  In the last year I have needed each and every one of them and their help came on time.   Comfort during a loss, encouragement when I wasn't sure if I was really all that useful, even more encouragement when dealing with financial matters and teaching.  They have all taught me so much and before I knew Christ, I could not handle more than one friend.  I was suspicious of them and I didn't not want them to get too close.  Never have I known friends better than the ones God hand-picked.

Another highlight of my day was my bike ride around the neighborhood with my oldest son.  He looks forward to these things and so do I.  I would love to ride with them all, but I don't have the ride behind wagon-thingy (yeah, I went there) and my other children don't necessarily have bikes that are ready to ride.  So it's just him and I and that makes it better for him as he approaches those awkward teen years.  It also helps me remain mindful of my physical health.  A good 35 minute bike ride everyday does so much for your health and your mind.  I even had the pleasure of almost running face first into some large, flying insect as we peddled at top speed toward home.

This whole day brings Proverbs 27:17 to mind.  "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." (NKJV)  We as friends and even family should be improving and complementing each other, enjoying time together and adding the peace of God to each others' lives. I pray your week is full of these moments and that you'll cherish them always.

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