Friday, May 30, 2014

Food For Thought / Foodie Friday

Good Friday Evening to all (even if it is almost 11pm)!

As I write this, I am listening to NeedtoBreathe talk on the radio about how they had really started allowing success to cloud their purpose and walk.  I am loving their humility and honesty.  They are one of my favorite Christian groups.  I tend toward folk styles and borderline country sounds.  I really love the Civil Wars' "From This Valley."
But I digress.
Two interesting food notes. I was experiencing exhaustion and just low general energy plus female issues so I bought Maca Powder. It smells like protein powder and, to me, it tastes as bad. I put it in a smoothie that has overwhelming flavors so I couldn't taste it. The other thing is that my issue was simply not enough meaningful calories. I eat but I don't always consider the complexity of my meals. It's almost better for me to barely eat than to eat like I was. Also the caffeine withdrawal. Maca wasn't solving that. But it did give me a caffeine like boost. 

The food you have to try is sweet potato slices topped with guacamole. I sliced the sweet potato and cooked it with a small amount of oil on the griddle. Then I topped it with homemade guacamole. Amazing. Until next time, think about what you're eating. Is it enhancing your body or tearing it down? Also spend some time meditating on His Word because "man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God," Matthew 4:4 (KJV)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Lord MY Healer

Psalm 30:2
"Oh Lord my God, I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me." (KJV)

I am keeping this post short tonight.  I just wanted to give God glory for healing me.  I was dealing with an issue that lingered far longer than expected and after a sermon about pressing in and asking again, I decided to ask God for healing one more time.  I removed the frantic tone from my prayers and the whining and the complaining.  I simply asked if He would heal me.  At last, my prayer has been answered and I am coming well again. I am balancing out my system with herbs and thoughtful eating, but that is just to maintain my restored system.  I want to keep this issue from returning due to my own vegan laziness.  I am mindful of what I am putting in my mouth, trying to keep out most refined foods and avoiding soy for the most part.  I am sure He never intended me to binge on fake "chicken" nuggets and tater tots.  However, the wisdom of this post is in the fact that when God does something for you, you need to tell people.  He does not do things in secret because only darkness operates in secret.  He is the God of all and is everywhere and knows everything. He would like everyone to know that He is the Lord "Who forgives all thine iniquities; who heals all thy diseases," (Psalm 103:3, KJV) so that all may know Him and worship Him and be present with Him forever in eternity.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mindful Monday

Good Evening to all!

This Mindful Monday post is a simple one.  Happy Memorial Day.  Today we are mindful of the sacrifice of so many that we may live in peace.  All around us are wars and rumors of wars and our nation was built and sustained by the dedication of men and women who were willing to give their lives that others may live securely.  Men and women are still sacrificing.  That means that we must still be thankful, and still be praying for their safe return and for the comfort of the families of those who will not be returning.  Today, I thank all of those who served and extend my prayers to the families of those who have given their lives.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Word About Jealousy

"Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy?" Proverbs 27:4 (NIV)

So, here I am cleaning house and taking out trash and slowly knocking out my stash of yarn.  But yarn is tricky and when you see a new pattern, you want to make it, even if it requires more yarn.  At another blog I follow called Daydream Knits, I saw a photo of the stack of items she had knitted.  I was instantly jealous.  I wished I could knit that much in that little bit of time.  I wished I could make a more complicated pattern.  I had just seen one in a post from Brooklyn Tweed that made me want to find money I didn't have to start a project I wouldn't complete.  I felt that familiar stir to jump into action and start a new project of some luxurious shawl or sweater.

Then the spirit of truth washed over me.  

"But Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1 Timothy 6:6 (NIV)

Wanting to be like this lovely young lady is not feasible, nor is it wise.  I would have to take time from other things to make that happen.  I would end up with more yarn that would overwhelm me and everyone around me.  I would also be giving into jealousy.  By being jealous of her pile of lovely, completed crafts, I would be telling God that I am not content with what I have right now, in this season of my life.  I have the gift of knitting as well and I have plenty to knit with.  I also have children that I home school and they require a good chunk of my attention and time.  So, today I am content with completing whatever I make, out of whatever I have, whenever I have time.  And tomorrow I pray for that peace again.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Yarn Issue

     So, I have a confession again.  I have a few too many skeins of yarn.  I was very easily persuaded by the sales at for a while and collected an abundance of chunky yarn.  Now that I am trying to declutter and minimize, I am very aware of how much space they take up.  However, since they were gifts, I am reluctant to part with them.  So I've decided to turn the ones that will least likely be used to make a blanket.  Each skein is about 50 grams so not too big.  I should be able to knit one up a week.  That would mean that my bed (or couch) should have a decorative blanket by winter.  If I persevere.
The one thing that will make this possible and enjoyable is the fact that I found some Little House Book recordings on YouTube.  I will be able to sit for a while and listen to "Little House in the Big Woods" and "Little House on the Prairie" while my fingers work hard at destashing some skeins of chunky yarn.  These moments will definitely be high points in my day.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Another Mindful, Not So Minimalist Monday

Good evening,
How was your day today.  Mine was lovely.  I did not get a chance to focus on what I could get rid of, but I did toss four pairs of my husband's shoes in the thrift store bag (with his consent, of course).  My day was actually spent with friends, enjoying good food and good company.  Friends are such a treasure.  I thank God for them everyday because they are so important to our growth in Christ.  They encourage, admonish, comfort and so much more.  In the last year I have needed each and every one of them and their help came on time.   Comfort during a loss, encouragement when I wasn't sure if I was really all that useful, even more encouragement when dealing with financial matters and teaching.  They have all taught me so much and before I knew Christ, I could not handle more than one friend.  I was suspicious of them and I didn't not want them to get too close.  Never have I known friends better than the ones God hand-picked.

Another highlight of my day was my bike ride around the neighborhood with my oldest son.  He looks forward to these things and so do I.  I would love to ride with them all, but I don't have the ride behind wagon-thingy (yeah, I went there) and my other children don't necessarily have bikes that are ready to ride.  So it's just him and I and that makes it better for him as he approaches those awkward teen years.  It also helps me remain mindful of my physical health.  A good 35 minute bike ride everyday does so much for your health and your mind.  I even had the pleasure of almost running face first into some large, flying insect as we peddled at top speed toward home.

This whole day brings Proverbs 27:17 to mind.  "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend." (NKJV)  We as friends and even family should be improving and complementing each other, enjoying time together and adding the peace of God to each others' lives. I pray your week is full of these moments and that you'll cherish them always.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Beware the Walmart Trap

15 Then he said to them, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” Luke 12:15 (NIV)

Quick story!  Today, I spent a good portion of the day at a friend's house, with my children burning off energy outside.  When it was time to leave, we left my youngest son's shoes and I thought, "well, I can just pick him up some new slip-ons at Walmart.  They shouldn't be more than $5 or $6.  The first goal was to park closest to the door that would lead straight to the shoe section.  No dice.  All of the spaces were taken.  So I parked closer to the Lawn and Garden.  The last thing I need is more food, so I didn't dare go to the Food side.  We unload and go inside, where I immediately remember things I didn't plan to buy.  I have two basil plants that could use a pot and some soil.  Okay, I can spend $5 on soil, $3 on a pot (because, surprise, surprise, there were no $2 pots left) plus the $6 shoes.  Keeping track?  That's $14.  So, once I'm in the section with the soil, I think, "I have a little money to spend, I could get a bigger pot and plant tomatoes with the basil.  $3 for each started plant.  I decided on a Jalapeno($3) plant and two tomato plants($6).  $9+$3+$5+$6=$23  Now I'm thinking, that cuts into my offering money and my strawberry picking money.  Maybe I could partial pay a bill to work this out.  Are you following?  I still have the stuff in the basket.  I haven't gotten the bigger pot yet.  I was set on putting back the small pot and getting a bigger pot that would hold all plants.  The pot would have no doubt topped $10.  So, let's replace that $3 with a $10.  $30.  I went to look at the shoes.  At this point, I have one slow moving kid and one who has started saying no because I wanted him to sit in the front part of the basket.  My aggravation levels are rising and the shoe section is horribly disorganized.  The less expensive shoes are scattered all over the place, there is a mix of seasons on the rack and even though there are employees, they are just chatting away.  They don't even have sneakers with sneakers, sandals with sandals...there is no rhyme or reason.  So, then I've had it and I've had it with the whole store and everything they sell.  I tell my children that they are entirely too tired for me to put up with the aggravation of Walmart.  We leave and purchase nothing and I feel very satisfied by the time they are all loaded back in the van.  I feel like I've been rescued.

Please understand this is partly me and partly Walmart, but Walmart is a money trap.  Where you park determines the door you enter and they have studied many like you.  The soil was not with the beautiful flowers.  It was with the started plants.  You grab one, you'll want the other.  The Health, Beauty and Accessories section is by the pharmacy and the list goes on.  I could have gone in for $6 and left spending $30.  What I suggest is this:

1)  If you must buy a single item from Walmart, leave your children (distractions) home.  Then it doesn't matter how close or far you park, so you can park near the entrance you need.  This alone should work if you bee-line to that item and right back out.
2)  When you start adding "other" stuff to you basket, carefully consider how much it will cost but keep walking to the item you really need.  The odd are that you have added these items along the way and not after the important item.  That is why those kinds of things are in the back of the store.
3)  Once you have what you need, go to a poorly organized section and look for something for someone else.  It is important to think of others over yourself, so find some nice cheap toys for the kids.
4)  When you can't find the price of what you want to bring home because they never mark the cheaper toys on the shelves and the price scanner is broken and no one works in toy (is it just my Walmart) get really frustrated and leave all unnecessary stuff there.  That store doesn't deserve all of your hard-earned money!  Or leave it all and go shop a good deal on the item elsewhere in a store that specializes in just that item.  For me, that would be Payless or Shoe Dept.

Don't let Big Box stores rope you into a life of stuff and covetousness.  "Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions."  

Friday, May 16, 2014

Pleasantly Surprised and Humbled

Good very late evening

I must make a confession: I am no good at accepting acts of kindness.  I just finished a delicious dinner at a friend's and she had endeavored to cook a vegan meal.  It was wonderful and I appreciated it.  However, I was certainly very closed-minded about it and not as openly thankful as I should have been.  The thought was so kind.  Most people would just have put me in the "box" of weird friends they have that eat weird food.  I'm accustomed to it and I am very comfortable with bringing my own food.  It's to the point of not wanting to eat anything else, I believe.  Sounds like a control issue.

Anyhow, being that for a half hour more, it's still Foodie Friday, I must share that the absolute highlight of my meal was the cinnamon roll.  I make them, sure, but they are hasty and a bit dense and not as sweet.  I definitely don't ice them.  I never have powdered sugar or the inclination, quite frankly.  So, I tasted one and...WOW!  The best.  I'm sure she snagged the recipe off of Allrecipes, or something.  That's what it looked like, but it was amazing.  Of course, I love pasta and mushrooms (I will dedicate one whole Friday to this amazing fungus) and eggplant (holds another special place in my heart) but she won me with the cinnamon rolls.  I can't share the recipe, I don't have it.  But you find it, you make it and you'd better share what you make because the amount of sugar will send you into shock.  You need to not be able to eat them all at once.  Share, share, share and show others that vegans eat richly and sweetly too.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

A Post from a Slow World...Finally

Good Thursday evening,

I finally have my pics of my kitchen to post.  It took forever because my computer is having issues.  It has been crawling along.  Beware the ever-present Win 32 virus that poses as the Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool.  If you happen across it on your computer, do not allow it to make any changes to your computer.  Trust me, the end result is disastrous.

All of that being said, I have had some interesting moments in dining and in life in general.  I had a pretzel at Auntie Anne's.  I was so happy.  I couldn't get a good idea on what was in the sweet glaze dip, but the cinnamon sugar is wonderful if done without butter.  They have a spray that they spray on it to make the cinnamon and sugar adhere and it tastes just fine.  I am used to being excluded from junk food nibblings.  That might be why it's so wonderful to go vegan, other than not partaking in the abuse of other living creatures, you typically snack less if not prepared.  When I attended a baseball game, I found out that the only thing I could eat would have been the pretzels and some ice.  No vegan options.  But why? Why don't we all stand up and demand that they serve us as well?  We're Americans, we love sports, we like to eat, we're not allowed to bring our own food in.  One or the other, you know?  Of course, my other favorite is Moe's Southwest grill.  I know I can walk down that line and end with a loaded salad with enough goodies to keep me full for hours.  Better still, I can order and pay online and pick it up on the fly.  Get the app, that's all I have to say.

So, the remodel is beholden to being very inexpensive, so my stuff is on the way from Ebay and Etsy.  I will update as I go.  The kids and I will be sanding the cabinets soon, to prepare for a a fresh coat of white paint.  But in the meantime, here are a few before photos:

Pardon my, uh, lack of tidiness.  We are a family of seven occupying a fairly small space.  We are learning to make it work, one space at a time.  Each day is definitely given by grace.  Tomorrow, I share one new yummy, vegan meal for my Vegan Friday.
Mindful/Minimalist Mondays are for remembering that the best things in life are free, don't expire and typically don't take up a ton of space
The Word/Wisdom Wednesdays to grow my spirit
Foodie Fridays are just because I love food, especially food that nourishes.
Let not our hearts be attached to the things of this world, let us meditate on His word and let us be walking examples of moderation and good health.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

I know, I'm a day late.  But, yesterday was hectic.  But I still want to let moms know that they are blessed to be raising children.  Those acting as moms are blessed.  Whether you birthed them, adopted them, or watch them so much they might as well be your, you are blessed.  Children are a heritage from the Lord.  A blessing.  I am blessed.

Mondays are special days for me.  They are the days when I get to refocus my week.  My weekends are spent mostly with my church family.  But the week is time spent focusing on my children and my home.  Heavy emphasis on home right now.  That is because I have come to the realization that I have too much stuff.  I have also come to realize that I simply don't need that stuff. 

 21" For a man may do his work with wisdom, knowledge and skill, and then he must leave all he owns to someone who has not worked for it. This too is meaningless and a great misfortune." Ecclesiastes 2:21 (NIV)

So why amass so much stuff if it will all end up with someone who didn't work for it and thus, will not care for it?  Is it adding positively or negatively to my life?  So I am spending my time decluttering and minimizing.  I am cutting several outfits from everyone's wardrobe, I am taking a long, hard look at my shoes and reducing down to what I need.  The same applies to everything else.  Whatever may have value is getting sold on Craigslist.  I am also redesigning my spaces so that I am left with something enhanced and pleasing to eye without spending a fortune.  I will be working on redecorating and reordering my kitchen and my bathroom.  I will snap a photo of my two spaces soon, so you can see what the before looks like and watch my progress.  I am determined to spend no more than a few hundred on each room.  So far, i have spent $5 on my bathroom to purchase pictures to decorate and I have spent $10 on my kitchen for S hooks for hanging my pots and pans and cooking utensils and a towel bar to hang those utensils from.  I am excited to the changes, those dollars were rebate dollars from Savingstar and Ibotta. That means I'm off to a good start.  Some big ticket items will be the over the toilet set up and replacing my plates and bowls.  Also the cabinet organization.  Plus, I am prayerfully determined to find a wooden table with storage underneath or one I can add storage to.  I'll be busy this summer, which will be so nice.  Hope you get inspired too.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Food For Thought Fridays

So I have finally settled comfortably into living a mostly vegan lifestyle.  I avoid dairy, eggs, meat, fish, honey, gelatin, etc.  I avoid animal products with the exception of my massive stash of wool yarn that I need to use up, then I will convert to synthetics.  I confess that I am not as pro-animal as most, but that is because I believe in balance.  If you've ever had a rodent infestation, it is hard to feel sympathy for the vermin that place your family's health at risk.  I do not believe that torture is appropriate though.  God must have valued the animals enough to rescue them from the flood.  If you've ever read about Smithfield or viewed a video about the way our food is treated, you might think twice.  I take into account the health benefits as well.  I spent many years trying vegetarian, longing to go vegan and having my loved ones (friends and family) talk me out of it.  Or they "unsupported" me out of it.  I have heard it all, included the belief that it is unchristian to be vegan.  No, it is not doctrine to be vegan or vegetarian, neither is it doctrine to be an omnivore.  That being said, I took the dive and with the support of my wonderful husband, I have thrived.  All you need is one person who will stand with you.  They may not be vegan, but just knowing they support you gives you strength.  He has supported me as I continue to channel my quirkiness.  The best part has been that others have come to me for advice because they have felt the pull to vegetarian or vegan but battle the same problems.  What about hanging with friends?  What about missing meat.  I have begun to earn respect from sticking to my guns.  I do not miss the meat, not even the bacon.  The few times I had fallen came from missing cheese.  I no longer miss cheese, especially since I find the life of a dairy cow to be particularly miserable.  I have truly embraced my veggies and occasionally my "fake" meats.  Sometimes I miss processed foods, that's it.  If a Christian wants to be vegan, what says they can't?  There is no Biblical admonition not to.  We were originally created to eat veggies and fruit.  Our sin led us to consume animals.  It is, however, wrong of others to withhold love and support from a brother or sister in Christ because we disagree with their views regarding meat consumtion.
If you find yourself in this position, I recommend a few things:
1: Check out PETA's website for their 30 day challenge, recipes and suggestions
2: Find 1 person who will support you. You have 1 true friend, trust me.
3: Spend a week before the dive sampling many alternative meals.
Here's 1 from Health, Happy, Life at

Vegan Apple-Bacon-Maple English Muffin Grilled Cheese
vegan, serves 2

8 mini strips tempeh bacon or 4 large strips
2 English muffins (gluten free variety used)
2-4 rounds of Daiya provolone cheese (vegan) - sub with any vegan cheese or even use hummus or cashew cream if desired!
1 Pink Lady or Fuji Apple, thinly sliced
1/2 cup micro greens or sprouts
1 tsp maple syrup, grade B
pinch of black pepper
optional: add thinly sliced red or sweet onion for an even more savory, zesty flavor -- a little lemon juice never hurt anyone either


1. Tempeh Bacon directions here or you could even use pre-flavored tempeh bacon strips.
2. Warm up you panini press or skillet.
3. Cook the tempeh bacon first, until sizzling and browned around the edges. While the tempeh is cooking you can add the English muffin halves to the grill or pan to warm them.
4. Place the toppings on the warmed English muffin halves, cheese, tempeh, apple and one teaspoon of maple syrup for each sandwich. Add a pinch of black pepper too. (You will add the sprouts or micro greens just before serving.) Grill or cook until the cheese melts over the sides and the muffins lightly brown.
5. Slice sandwiches, lift the tops and stuff the sprouts or greens inside. Serve!

I didn't have the English Muffins, so I made it more lunch-like by stuffing it in a whole wheat pita.  I also added thinly sliced red onions and baby spinach instead of micro greens.  That meant I stuffed the pita before pressing it like a panini to melt the "cheese."

This is what it looked like.  It was more delicious than I ever thought and if you check out her blog, she has a recipe to make the tempeh taste very close to bacon.  More like turkey bacon, but better than expected.  My husband said it was wrong how much it tasted like jerky bacon.  So, good enough fake meat.  Works for me.  This recipe is a keeper, so is the tempeh (my first time trying it) and the Daiya provolone.  Melts great.

If you are new to this, consider the Boca meatless crumbles when preparing a meal that requires ground meat.  I used it for my tacos while the rest of the family ate regular meat.  I plan to make a recipe for "Korean Beef" (check my Pinterest board Yummy Yummy) that can easily use meatless crumbles and I plan to attempt the alfredo stuffed shells as well, with meatless chickn strips, tofu for ricotta and hooked up light coconut milk for the alfredo.  Be creative and, if you are planning to try vegan, avoid Morningstar because it contains milk and eggs and read the label on the Go Veggies closely.  The green pack has milk based products.  Be encouraged, from one who struggled to another, you can do it and you'll feel amazing.  All you have to do is remember that there is support and love, both from someone you probably never expected and from a God who wants us to realize and embrace who He has made us to be.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

3 Important Areas to Cover

My walk with God has consisted of a great deal of prayer, an effort to share my faith and trying to apply Biblical principles more and more.  Christian faith is a "race" as the Bible says, but it consists of many instances of running, walking and standing still.  It has been the issues of body, mind and spirit that are in constant change for me.  It is so important, though, that these areas stay under constant scrutiny, because they are our testimony. Before I came to know Christ, I was searching for anything that would take away the chaos.  My life was chaotic.  So, I had considered several other religions that appear to be very well structured and their members seem chaos-free, or at least have it at a minimal level.  However, the problem was with people who called themselves Christians but did not know what it meant to be a "follower of Christ."  They had never read the words, "If you love me, keep my commandments," (John 14:15).  They lived in chaos, continued to break commandments and made many excuses for sin. The belief that God accepts us as we are is fairly false.  He says to come as we are so that we may be changed.  As we are, we are sin-filled, whether we actively engage in what appears sinful or not.  We live our lives measuring our goodness against a human norm that is simply not good enough for God.  To know Him now, I know that I am washed by the blood so that God may look upon me and deal with me and we may have relationship.  Before that, He would not have entered into relationship with me because I was too dirty to look at.  He cannot have sin in His presence.  It is the stuff that He is working out of me now that I want to share for anyone else who is going through similar changes.  The issues of the body, mind and spirit.  This will help focus what I write about and encourage because change is hard, but being more like the Lord and more pleasing to God is worth it.  It really is.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Pleased To Meet You

I have tried before (a few times) to begin a blog, but I have tried to pigeon-hole myself into one category or another.  I cannot, however.  I am full of quirks and interests and love to share them all.  I would like to introduce myself.  I am a mother of five wonderful children, all of whom I home school.  I was wonderfully delivered from sin and death by the grace an Almighty God by the blood of His only begotten Son. Jesus Christ.  I am unashamed of this.  I do, however, remain a woman who struggles with a variety of issues on a daily basis, but I cast my cares on Him who cares for me (1 Peter 5-7) all the time.  I knit, sew, crochet and read my Bible.  I am also a vegan.  As I write this, I munch on peanut butter cookies made with applesauce to replace the egg.  I would be remiss if I did not also mention that I am African American.  Not because I am a politically charged woman, but because it is important that others understand that God does not call us to fit the mold, but to break it and be in His image.  I find myself to be a very odd fit in most company, but that is why I started this blog.  My hope is that, as I share what my growth in my faith, others will find encouragement as well.  It's time to stop being what we think we should be and be who God made us to be.  I hope you all enjoy and hopefully some new friends are made along the way.