At last, a post on the appropriate day.
Good Monday evening! I have been fairly useless today and off and on since the World Cup began. I had the delight of seeing two of my faves win today and that made my day. Plus, I made homemade deodorant and I began assembling websites for homemade lip balm. I also plan to attempt homemade bug repellent because I just happen to have some cedar wood oil and clove oil laying around. I used the cedar wood oil in my deodorant as well because it is said to have a good effect on the skin. Exciting. So, I'm using my Monday mindfully, trying to minimize the toxic chemicals contacting my skin. The truth is that as I am aging, I am noticing different things. One things is, I started getting bumps under my arms, so I am hopeful that the natural deodorant will eliminate that. I also break out before my cycle and would like a natural face scrub. The next project I started today, I have no pics of but I will shortly.. This is more a Minimalist activity. Here's the story behind it.
I bought a pair of Bongo's on sale and they are the most comfy things I have every placed on my feet. Except Tom's but I can't afford them. If anyone wants to toss me a sample, I'll review it, then I'll wear them until they fall apart. But, until the money shows up, or the sample, I'll wear my cheap ones. And cheap they were. I have had them less than 6 months and already they are coming apart at the toe like a pair of cheap socks. I wrestled with the idea of new shoes, even though I had just gotten rid of most of my shoes. I can fit all of the shoes in my hanging shoes holder in my closet. Slippers too. So finally, I settled on a solution. I would close up the hole with an embroidered flower. I have finished the first one and I am pretty pleased with it. Plus, I have peace with it because it doesn't have me purchasing more before the whole things is a wash. I am just prettying up the worn areas. That makes me feel like I am making strides in the right direction, because I could stand to be more eco-friendly. Another big step I have made is, I have been saving all of my empty spaghetti sauce jars to reuse as storage jars. I am going to paint the lids and order some labels online and start organizing. The summer is going to be so wide open. I plan to try more DIY health products, like toothpaste and a compost bin while trying to move forward with my kitchen and bathroom. A little bit at a time and each day will have something productive for everyone and of course, I will share our projects.
Take some time this month, to enjoy the World Cup, have some cold, frosty treat and be a good steward of the world God gave us. Reduce, reuse and recycle.
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