Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wisdom Wednesday

Well, it has been a week or so.  Our church family tragically lost a member to violence that also caused another church family to lose a member and for that reason, there has been contemplative silence.  I have struggled with my own New York raised view of guns versus everyone else's.  Correction, downstate NY raised.  My husband is from upstate where hunting is the norm.  But I find that providing food and protection isn't so bad.  But do we need high powered rifles and fully automatic weapons in a city setting?  Do we need weapons in the hands of a people who have become desensitized to violence?  We cling to wrong ideals.  We want to old ways for the wrong things.  We do not want to raise our children Biblically but we want to maintain every inch and iota of the second amendment.  We are not good people who do bad things.  That is not the Word of God.  We are wicked people who play into our natural behaviors all the time.  Children display cliche-ish behavior often without anyone teaching them.  I have known children to lie as young as 2 years old, possibly younger.  That is without being taught to lie.  We exhibit behaviors of self preservation and self exaltation all the time.  
"Even from birth the wicked go astray; from the womb they are wayward, spreading lies." Psalm 58:3 (NIV)
"Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins." Ecclesiastes 7:20 (NIV)
"The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time." Genesis 6:5 (NIV)

That last one was just before the flood, but we all know that the flood did not wash away the evil intentions of man's heart.  Only Jesus Christ can do that with the blood He shed on Calvary's Cross.  We, as a nation founded on Christ have decided that He is not necessary and do not teach those very important principles.   We allow our children to find their own way when the Bible has taught us to train our children up in the way they should go.  As a Biblical people, we would set standards that would not allow the playing of violent video games or the viewing of lewd or violent programming.  We would understand that these things open our minds to the possibility of being violent or perverse when we are older.  We would not allow our children to walk through life thinking only of themselves.  We would attempt to teach them manners and thoughtfulness and the mind of Christ.  Christ never judged another human being based upon race or gender. He would never have taken a life because it would have broken God's commandment.  He would never have played with violence, He was a healer and a teacher and most importantly, God in the flesh.  We are a very sad society that would remove the very foundation that teachers compassion out of fear of offending others so that instead we may raise a generation that has no problem killing each other.  I would rather offend in the hopes that you may have life more abundantly than be indifferent towards others with an evil, menacing heart ultimately set on violence.

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