Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Lazy Blogger Strikes Again

Sooo...what are you reading?  Oh, Leviticus, huh? No?  You should.  I just finished it...again.  Great book that makes me think about God's wisdom and His greatness.  Did you know that He always required the grain offerings to be mingled with oil?  Did you know that when flour becomes airborne, it can be highly combustible?  God knew.  He wasn't trying to burn down the Tabernacle.  His mandates regarding unclean things are roughly the same amount of time it would take for bacteria to die.  He explained which rashes were contagious and which weren't and how to know it had passed.  If it has turned white, it is fine.  Right about the time it starts to dry out, it's fine.  That still stands to be true.  We often look to see if the rash has raised bumps, fluid filled, localized or all over as well as the overall color.  How much more in control could the Creator be, to tell His people what to look for in diagnosing?  Amazing.  He also reminds us to care for our poor, to give to them without expecting anything in return.  He says to give without usury.  Don't lend to them at crazy interest rates.  Just give.  Surely, they were a terrified people and prone to thinking everything was a big deal.  He goes so far as to explain that a man with no hair is just bald.  He even breaks down what to do when your house starts to grow mold!  Even your clothes.  An incredible read, if you approach it from the right angle.  I shamelessly plug the book of Leviticus all of the time.  All of the books of the Bible are extraordinary, but Leviticus is one of my favorites.  Of course, now it is time to tackle some books that I haven't managed to read.  I lag behind my friends when it comes to reading the major prophets.  I haven't made it through Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel yet.  However, Judges and Deuteronomy are also excellent.  My words of wisdom today, are dig into Leviticus and get to know the God that created you.  Try to wrap your brain around the fact that He knows everything that could happen to the body He made.  Some of these statutes we still live by, like not eating animals that just up and die.  He said, "Don't eat the animal that dies of itself."  If a cow suddenly dies on the feed lot, they take it away and examine it.  They are not allowed to put it into the processing plant to be packaged for sale.  That one cow may be the warning sign of a greater issue, you don't want to eat that.  So, in looking at it that way, read it with the understanding that God makes rules to protect us.  You don't want mold in your home, it makes you and your children ill.  You don't want to consume blood because it may have bacteria.  I am in awe of His endless wisdom and I encourage you to be in awe too.  Be brave, be bold, read Leviticus.
Have a great night.

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