Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Prolonged Silence Promotes Laziness

Today was a crazy day, but go figure for the last night of revival.  I needed revival.  I have battled laziness and disorder.  A huge part of my testimony was my desire to have order in my life and how I almost traveled the wrong roads.  God kept some doors shut long enough to activate some people into reaching me.  Right on time, too.  But I have not taken in all of the order He has offered and I have thus fallen into something other than Godly-chaos.  There is chaos in my homeschooling and chaos in my housekeeping and chaos in my spending. Which has robbed me of peace.  But coming out of revival, I have surrendered my inclination to chaos to God and He has shown me that when it threatens to creep in and rob me of joy, I must praise Him.  Praising God will strengthen me and lift me and fill me and calm me and restore my joy.  So many verses out of Psalms speak of praising and all of its benefits.  I need to comb through and pull out some wonderful nibbles of encouragement.  I say nibbles because the Bible says to "taste and see that the Lord is good." So, in this brief message, I hope you find the answer to your chaos.  When the kids are making you crazy and people you meet say things that offend and Walmart is once again a nightmare you should have  never braved, praise Him.  His presence, which is the result of praising, will restore calm and joy.

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