Monday, August 4, 2014

Minimalist Monday

I have zero pictures but I still have something to share about minimizing one area of your life, if it applies of course.


I have started to plan the school year in an attempt to be more organized.  When it was time to begin filling out my other areas of study besides History, I realized that some of the children did not have the next grade's book.  Normally, I would just research and purchase something else.  Maybe it would be from the same publisher, maybe not.  I have always been a HUGE fan of BJU Press, but not BJU Press prices.  So, I often wander away in search of a cheaper curriculum.  This year, I thought about it differently.  I still have many Teacher's editions of various books.  I decided to hunt solely for the matching student worktext.  If you are homeschooling multiple children, as I am, the oldest tends to be the only one who needs yearly updates.  For the younger ones, have them write their answers in a notebook, leaving the worktext untouched.  This will allow you to keep it for many years.  I'm super excited, plus I get packages in the mail this week.

One other thing that I have been doing is giving things away.  I could wait for people to buy it, but it feels better when you just give it away.  I've cut the kids toys in half and every chance I get, I fill a bag for the thrift store.  Sadly, I still am building a stock pile of household necessities.  I confess that I have a lot of shampoo and other things I may not use right away.  If my friends ask, though, I give.  It is the most rewarding part of minimizing your life.  It really is.  Give liberally and often and for all of the stuff you remove from your life, you will replace it will joy.  Abundant joy.

Also, one tip for ordering your day: make a laundry schedule.  When we are following out schedule, no one complains about not having enough clothes.  Also, get rid of everything but seven outfit combinations.  Regularly consider what items you wear and don't wear and remove the ones you don't wear.  You just need to be able to switch out your clothes once a day for one whole week.  By the last day, you'll have clean clothes again.  It has truly helped to bring one area of order to our lives.  Assuming we actually follow the schedule.  I hope you can use these tips to increase the peace in your life.

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