Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Things To Pass The Time

I'm hoping everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday.  I hope it was blessed with time to reflect and rejoice with near and dear family and friends.  Normally, my Resurrection Sunday would be spent with friends, eating too much and laughing even more.  The kids would be outside playing (if Easter fell in April) and we would just be enjoying the blessing of that time.  This Easter, I was 38 wks pregnant and just wanted to kick my feet up while my wonderful husband cooked.  That is exactly what happened too.  So I got to spend time with family, resting and being grateful for a very generous and loving husband.  I am also thankful for him because he is working all day and coming home to try to hastily put together a chicken coop so my six fluffy babies (not so baby or fluffy anymore) can move outside into their own space.  I confess that I love the idea of free range hens, but where I live, we have hawks and falcons.  The best they'll get is a fully enclosed run and a large coop to stay cool or warm in.  Still much better than those overstocked, fully enclosed, dark chicken houses or those tiny cage-like things egg layers are usually in.  No beak clipping here, just room to run and eat and peck, safe from predators.

What have we been up to?  We have been cleaning and cleaning and cleaning.  Prepping for baby is the name of the game.  Since I birth my babies at home now, I feel more serious about cleaning my spaces than before.  One part of that is having a midwife in your space.  The other is the peace that comes with a clean home. I have also been cleaning my body, I suppose.  I have been drinking a green smoothie every day, which definitely helps keep things moving.

Quick shameless plug.  If you haven't tried it, you have to try the 30 Day Challenge over at  They give you recipes and a shopping list every week.  The smoothies are so delicious and it encourages you to get your kale or spinach in each day.

Ok, now that I've gotten that out of the way...

I have also been working on this

Crochet all the way.  I have put my knitting needles down in exchange for work that moves faster.  So, this blanket is going two skeins at a time until finished.  It is lovely and soft and made from Red Heart With Love yarn.  I used to be adamantly against synthetic stuff, but it washes easier and it feels amazing.  It makes for good sit down busy work while I binge on episodes of Project Runway.  At 38 weeks and 3 days, this madhouse is about to get a bit crazier, but I have my hands full of blessings and that's all that matters.
Enjoy your day.

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