Wednesday, March 11, 2015

A Change is Coming...

So, with my pregnancy and my crazy twists and turns, I had to come to a decision - I'm making some changes.  I had much to talk about and I have grown and changed so much that I feel the need to broaden my topic base,  I also need to be able to share so much more.  It's actually very exciting.  I'm growing so much more passionate about so many topics, I have to get it all out.  Over the next few weeks, I'll be changing the name and explaining all that I have to talk about.  I am still passionate about plant based foods and cutting clutter.  But due to my inability to consume adequate protein, I had to lay aside my vegan lifestyle.  I knew that I would never be able to provide my baby with enough protein.  Not because a vegan diet doesn't have enough protein, as many detractors would say, but because I am a lazy eater and vegan diets with low soy levels take work.  Plus, my taste buds were not going to cooperate with other protein sources.  I doubt I'll go back, but will make sustainable choices whenever possible.  I have become so passionate about the fair treatment of those that make our clothing products and footwear as well as fabric.  I have become sewing fanatic.  I still have my love for all things Biblical and sharing my faith.  Plus, I'm preparing to embark on my third homebirth - after 3 c-sections.  Obviously, I'm passionate about that as well.  I could go on and on.  So, if you've followed me and miss my posts, know that I haven't disappeared, I've just changed and grown and want my blog to reflect that.  I love having company on this wild ride called life.  Be patient with me, it is about to get interesting....

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