Thursday, November 20, 2014

Why, Hello

My, it's been quite a long time.  I almost gave up. I spent almost four months exhausted (did I mention I'm pregnant?) and the rest of the time I had caught the knitting bug full-time and could not pull myself from the couch and my needles.  I apologize.  I follow other blogs like that as well.  One is a college student, I believe.  But I have been productive.  I completed one sock and got past the heel on another.  I knit a couple ear-warming headbands and started work on a shawl.  So, my minimizing of my stash seems to be coming along nicely.  Unfortunately, I keep finding balls of yarn...strange...

Anyhow, fall is such a lovely time of year.  Time to break out the cups of cocoa and copious amounts of hot tea. Time for thinking ahead to Christmas and trying to beat the Christmas knitting rush or knit like mad just to prepare for cold.  I admit that with all of the amazing character changes my walk with Christ has brought, being unselfish with my knitting has not been one of them.  I find that when I produce something for my children, they fail to care for it and it frustrates me.  So I knit for me, mainly.  Fall is also for photos like this:

This tree is such an amazing color.  I feel like it's on fire.  I had to capture this and of course, I'm still faithfully snapping my pics on my phone.  I would need to be consistent before I spent money on something else.  Something else Fall is for is for reading.  It's so chilly some days that snuggling on the couch with a blanket and a good book is unavoidable.  I recently finished this classic:

I loved it, but it made we want to read my Bible more, so I haven't picked up anything else.  I am now just diving into the world of powerful prayer and I have to thank Frank Peretti for the extra boost.  As for knitting, these are my nearly done socks:

Finishing is the hardest part for me.  Once the work is easy, I take it for granted and put it down.  I have to commit to a few rows a day and it will be done in no time.

Finally, Fall is for mellowing out.  Summer has wound down, the days have shortened and the weather has forced us back into our homes.  The school year is in full swing, the kids have their days scheduled and the household cleaning load has doubled.  These past few weeks have been about unwinding to some JJ Heller. She is such a lovely, Christian folk artist.  Her songs resonate and I find even the ones meant to help you through struggle to be uplifting.  I am thankful that I have Amazon Prime and that she has her songs on their prime music list.  I can play any of her albums, in any order I want without paying monthly.  Of course, I do have to pay annually, but it has other perks too, so I pay it faithfully.  I am always looking for new Christian music to listen to.  Music is such a big part of my life.  It was before Jesus met me on my path of self-destruction and turned me around, and it is now.  I try to avoid anything that doesn't glorify the things of God, so when I find something that soothes and uplifts, I run with it (not literally, I am no athlete).

Here's a song by JJ Heller that resonates with me. It is called "Control."  I'm sure long-time listeners will roll their eyes because it's not a new song, but I loved it when I heard it.  It's not the official video because I wanted you to enjoy the version that I listen to, which has less professional background sound.  I hope you enjoy and are as blessed by it as I am.